Dental Implants with Navident

30th September 2019 | Category: Uncategorised

What are the latest trends in Dental Implants?

Implants have been widely used in dentistry for several decades. Over this time the design of implants have been perfected and has not changed much over the last decade. Over this time expectations of dental implants has significantly increased. It is now very well accepted that with thorough treatment planning, with the use of 3D digital radiographs and models, implants can be placed predictably with very few complications.

With dental implant treatment now perfected the trend is not looking at how dental implants can be placed quickly, accurately, most safely and with the fastest recovery. To make your dental implant treatment easier and more convenient, The White Bridge Clinic has invested in the same state-of-the-art dynamic navigation technology that is the standard of care in spinal and neuro-surgery fields.  This ensures your implants are placed with great precision and streamlines the process, reducing the time you need to spend in the chair.

What is the Navident navigation system?

The target position for each implant site is planned quickly and easily in the Navident software using the imported CBCT DICOM data. After registering the relative position of two optical tracking markers to the patient and drill, the software tracks the markers in real-time using the stereoscopic camera.

Using the fixed relationship of each planned drill site to the patient tracking marker, the navigation component of the software instructs the surgeon, on how and where to move their hand in real-time. Continuous feedback is displayed through a simple graphic on the computer screen. This real-time tracking and guidance allow the surgeon to precisely guide the drill tip to the planned implant position and depth, using a freehand technique.

, Dental Implants with Navident

What are the advantages of Navident?

To help you with more predictable outcomes, through more accurate treatment planning and implant placement. This state-of-the-art real-time computer guidance technology allows implants to be placed with more precision than ever before. This allows complex procedures to be simplified and reduces the need for complex grafting due to its accuracy in utilising the bone in place with great accuracy. It also means smaller soft tissue incisions and stitches for you leading to faster recovery and quicker recovery time for you.

Which is the best dental implant option for me?

We use well-recognised implant systems so you have the peace of mind knowing that in the future if any maintenance is required you have the backing of a well-known company. Implants can be used to support single crowns, bridges to replace several teeth or dentures. What is right for you is dependent on your specific needs, the anatomy of bone present and your budget. This can be discussed in an initial consultation to give you a clearer picture before choosing to embark on this journey.

What does the future hold for dental implant surgery?

Dental implants are becoming very common. Most adults have, or know someone who has a dental implant. A lot of research is being done on stem cell growth to grow your own teeth back; However, this is very early stages and dental implants will remain the gold standard for replacing missing teeth for many years to come. With digital planning placement of implants is becoming simpler and, with such a high level of accuracy, should last much longer.



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