Complaints Procedure

Our main focus at The White Bridge Clinic Dental Practice is patient satisfaction, which means that patients are satisfied with the care and service we provide and feel that their best interests are taken into account at all times.

These are some of the measures we take to achieve this goal:

Involving patients in considering how the practice should be developed

  • We encourage patients’ feedback about our services, through regular Patient Satisfaction and Waiting Time surveys.
  • Inviting both formal and informal comments and suggestions, including via our comments and suggestions box.

Making sure that patient safety is properly protected at all times whilst on our premises

  • Putting in place safeguarding measures to minimise the risk of injury or harm to patients.
  • Ensuring that children or people who are vulnerable and require special support are properly protected and are accompanied by a chaperone.

Ensuring that patients understand and consent to the plans that we propose for their treatment

  • Always discussing treatment options and what each involves with patients before committing to treatment.
  • Taking account of and regularly requesting updates on a patient’s medical history.
  • Carrying out a Mental Capacity Assessment where it is considered the patient may lack capacity, in line with Mental Capacity Act requirements (M 289).

Manage Expectations

  • Provide information about our services, displayed on our website, as well as a range of leaflets and information sheets that are available in different formats on request, such as large print and text.
  • Making sure we keep patients informed if they are kept waiting for their appointment beyond the scheduled time.

If you have any feedback or concerns about any aspect of your treatment, please contact the practice manager, Tina Mohindra, directly via and she will respond within 48 hours.



We offer a wide range of dental treatments.

More Information
invisalign simply health CQC accreditation

Send us a message now. We look forward to hearing from you.

*By clicking ‘send message’ you are consenting to us replying, and storing your details. (see our privacy policy).

140 Oxford Road, Kidlington, OX5 1DZ
01865 951861
Opening Hours
9:00am – 5.30pm
9:00am – 6.15pm
9:00am -5.30pm
9:00am – 5.30pm
9:00am – 4.30pm
9:00am – 4.30pm

Fast train links into London, on site parking & disabled access